Simple database layout is provided below. For more details (data types, fields restrictions and default values) please refer to lms.mysql, lms.pgsql in doc/ directory.
id - serial number |
login - login |
name - first and last name |
email - user's email address |
phone - user's phone number |
position - user's position name |
rights - binary access rights |
hosts - list of hosts allowed to login |
passwd - password to login |
ntype - supported notofication types |
lastlogindate - date of last login |
lastloginip - IP of last login |
failedlogindate - date of last failed login attempt |
failedloginip - IP of last failed login attempt |
deleted - if is deleted boolean (0/1) |
access - whether the account is active (0/1) |
accessfrom - date from which the account is active |
accessto - date to which the account is active |
id - serial number |
lastname - last/company name |
name - first name |
divisionid - identifier of company/division |
status - customer status (3-connected, 2-awaiting, 1-prospect) |
type - legal personality (0-private person, 1-legal entity) |
email - email address |
pin - pin number (for authentication) |
address - street address (street, apartment, flat, etc) |
zip - zip code |
city - location (city) |
countryid - country identifier |
post_name - correspondence address - name |
post_address - correspondence address - street, apartment, flat, etc |
post_zip - correspondence address - zip code |
post_city - correspondence address - location (city) |
post_countryid - correspondence address - country identifier |
ten - tax exempt number |
ssn - social security number |
regon - business registration number |
rbe - register of business entities |
icn - identity card number |
info - additional information |
notes - notes |
creationdate - record creation date |
moddate - record modification date |
creatorid - serial of LMS user who created this record |
modid - serial of LMS user last modification this record |
deleted - if is deleted from database boolean (0/1) |
message - message to be displayed if warnings enabled |
cutoffstop - date to which customers cutting off is disabled |
paytime - invoices deadline in days |
paytype - invoices payment type identifier (see documents table) |
einvoice - enables e-invoices |
invoicenotice - enables invoices delivery via e-mail |
mailingnotice - enables messages delivery via e-mail or sms |
id - serial number |
name - group name |
description - group description |
id - serial number |
customergroupid - group serial number |
customerid - customer serial number |
id - serial number |
userid - user serial number |
customergroupid - group serial number |
id - serial number |
name - network name |
address - IP address |
mask - network mask |
interface - network interface (eg. eth1) |
gateway - gateway IP address |
dns - IP address of dns server |
dns2 - IP address of secondary dns server |
domain - domain of the network |
wins - WINS server address |
dhcpstart - first address of dynamic DHCP range |
dhcpend - last address of dynamic DHCP range |
disabled - disabled/enabled flag (1/0) |
notes - additional notes |
id - serial number |
name - name |
location - physical location text |
location_city - city identifier |
location_street - street identifier |
location_house - house number |
location_flat - flat number |
description - device summary |
producer - manufacturer's name |
model - model number |
serialnumber - products serial number (not DB identifier) |
ports - number of connections available |
purchasetime - purchase date |
guaranteeperiod - period in months (NULL - lifetime) |
shortname - shortname (radius) |
nastype - NAS type identifier (radius) |
clients - max. number of clients (radius) |
secret - password (radius) |
community - SNMP community |
channelid - STM channel identifier (ewx_channels table) |
longitude - geog. longitude |
latitude - geog latitude |
id - serial number |
src - connection's beginning |
dst - connection's end |
type - type of connection (0-cable, 1-wireless) |
srcport - begin's port number |
dstport - end's port number |
id - serial number |
name - device name |
ipaddr - IP address |
passwd - computer password for radius/pppoe login |
ownerid - serial number of the owner ('0' if network device) |
creationdate - creation timestamp |
moddate - last modification timestamp |
creatorid - creator's serial number |
modid - modifier's serial number |
netdev - serial number of connected network device |
linktype - type of connection (0-cable, 1-wireless) |
port - port number in device |
access - connected/disconnected (cutoff) (1/0) |
warning - should be warned with administration message? (1/0) |
chkmac - enable/disable MAC checking? (1/0) |
halfduplex - half/full duplex mode (0/1) |
lastonline - last network activity timestamp |
info - additional information |
location_address - address string |
location_city - city identifier |
location_street - street identifier |
location_house - house number |
location_flat - flat number |
nas - NAS flag (1/0) |
longitude - geog. longitude |
latitude - geog latitude |
id - serial number |
mac - MAC address |
nodeid - IP address identifier (nodes table) |
id - serial number |
name - group name |
prio - group order |
description - group description |
id - serial number |
nodegroupid - group serial number |
nodeid - node serial number |
id - serial number |
name - type name |
id - serial number |
time - timestamp of operation |
type - type of operation (1-payment, 0-liability) |
userid - LMS user id |
value - amount in dollars |
taxid - tax rate identifier |
customerid - customer's serial number ('0' - does not apply) |
docid - serial number for document (e.g. invoice) related to this operation |
itemid - document item identifier |
importid - import identifier |
sourceid - import source identifier |
comment - description of operation |
id - serial number |
date - timestamp of operation |
customer - customer data |
value - amount |
taxid - tax rate identifier |
customerid - customer's serial number |
description - operation description |
hash - unique operation identifier |
sourceid - import source identifier |
sourcefileid - import file identifier |
closed - yes (1), if operation was moved to cash table |
id - serial number |
name - name |
description - additional information |
id - serial number |
name - filename |
idate - date/time of import |
userid - user identifier |
id - serial number |
name - subscription name |
type - subscription type (see lib/definitions.php) |
value - amount |
taxid - tax rate identifier |
period - payment period (for specified tariff value) |
prodid - product/service classification number |
uprate - upload warranty |
upceil - upload boundary |
downrate - download warranty |
downceil - download boundary |
climit - limit of concurrent connections |
plimit - limit of packets per second |
uprate_n - upload warranty at night |
upceil_n - upload boundary at night |
downrate_n - download warranty at night |
downceil_n - download boundary at night |
climit_n - limit of concurrent connections at night |
plimit_n - limit of packets per second at night |
dlimit - limit of data per time unit |
domain_limit - limit of domains |
alias_limit - limit of aliases |
sh_limit - limit of shell accounts |
mail_limit - limit of mail accounts |
www_limit - limit of www accounts |
ftp_limit - limit of ftp_accounts |
sql_limit - limit of sql accounts |
quota_sh_limit - quota limit of shell account |
quota_mail_limit - quota limit of mail account |
quota_wwww_limit - quota limit of www account |
quota_ftp_limit - quota limit of ftp account |
quota_sql_limit - quota limit of sql account |
description - description for subscription |
id - serial number |
name - promotion name |
description - additional information |
disabled - status |
id - serial number |
name - schema name |
description - additional information |
promotionid - promotion identifier |
data - schema periods definition |
disabled - status |
continuation - contract continuation option |
ctariffid - additional continuation tariff identifier |
id - serial number |
promotionschemaid - schema identifier |
tariffid - subscription identifier |
data - schema values definition |
id - serial number |
name - liability name/description |
value - amount |
taxid - tax rate identifier |
prodid - product/service classification number |
id - serial number |
name - name |
value - amount |
creditor - creditor name |
period - interval of operation: daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/annually (1/2/3/4/5) |
at - pay day |
description - description for payment |
id - serial number |
tariffid - subscription serial number |
liabilityid - liability serial number |
customerid - customer serial number |
period - interval of operation: daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/annually (1/2/3/4/5) |
at - pay day |
datefrom - start date for assignment |
dateto - end date for assignment |
invoice - invoice writeout? (1 - yes, 0 - no) |
pdiscount - discount percentage |
vdiscount - discount value |
suspended - is this payment suspended? (1 - yes, 0 - no) |
settlement - do deficient period settlement? (1 - yes, 0 - no) |
paytype - invoice payment type identifier |
numberplanid - numbering plan identifier |
id - serial number |
assignmentid - financial assignment serial number |
nodeid - node serial number |
id - serial number |
value - tax value |
taxed - "is taxed" flag |
label - rate label |
validfrom - binding period start |
validto - binding period end |
id - serial number |
template - number template (pattern) |
period - numbering time span: day/week/month/quarter/year |
doctype - document type |
isdefault - '1' if this plan is default for respondent doctype, else '0' |
id - serial number |
planid - numbering plan identifier |
divisionid - division identifier |
id - serial number |
name - registry name |
description - additional description |
in_numberplanid - numbering plan identifier for cash-in receipts |
out_numberplanid - numbering plan identifier for cash-out receipts |
disabled - summary disabling (0/1) |
id - serial number |
regid - registry serial number |
userid - user serial number |
rights - (1-read, 2-write, 3-advanced) |
id - serial number |
regid - registry serial number |
userid - user serial number |
time - entry timestamp |
value - real cash state value |
snapshot - cash state value |
description - additional information |
id - serial number |
number - document number (%N) |
extnumber - additional (extended) number part (%I) |
numberplanid - numbering plan identifier |
type - document type (1 - invoice, 2 - cash receipt) |
cdate - date of write out |
sdate - sale date (for invoices) |
paytime - deadline in days |
paytype - payment type (1-cash, 2-transfer, 3-transfer/cash, 4-card, 5-compensation, 6-barter, 7-contract) |
customerid - customer (buyer) serial number |
userid - user serial number |
divisionid - identifier of company/division |
name - name of customer |
address - address of customer |
ssn - SSN of customer |
ten - Tax Exempt Number of customer |
zip - zip code of customer |
city - location of customer |
countryid - country identifier |
closed - is document (invoice) closed (accounted)? (0/1) |
reference - document ID reference |
reason - e.g. invoice note reason |
docid - document serial number |
title - document title |
fromdate - start of binding period |
todate - end of binding period |
filename - document file name |
contenttype - file type |
md5sum - file md5 sum |
description - additional information |
docid - invoice serial number |
itemid - invoice item identifier |
value - amount |
pdiscount - discount percentage |
vdiscount - discount value |
taxid - tax rate identifier |
prodid - product/service classification number |
content - used unit (usually 'pc.') |
count - unit count |
description - description for invoice |
tariffid - subscription serial number |
docid - debit note serial number |
itemid - debit note item identifier |
value - amount |
description - description for the note item |
docid - receipt serial number |
itemid - receipt item identifier |
regid - registry serial number |
value - amount |
description - description for receipt item |
userid - user identifier |
doctype - document type id (see lib/definitions.php) |
rights - (1-read, 2-create, 3-confirm, 4-edit, 5-delete) |
id - serial number |
customerid - customer serial number |
uid - messenger user name/identifier |
type - messenger type (0-gadu-gadu, 1-yahoo, 2-skype) |
id - serial number |
customerid - customer serial number |
phone - phone number |
name - contact name/description |
type - contact type (sum of: 1-mobile, 2-fax) |
id - serial number |
name - domain name |
description - comments |
type - DNS type ('MASTER', 'SLAVE', 'NATIVE') |
master - master DNS server |
account - email address of DNS administrator |
last_check - timestamp |
notified_serial - timestamp |
id - serial number |
domain_id - domain serial number |
name - name |
type - record type (MX, SOA, A, AAAA, etc.) |
content - data |
ttl - TTL |
prio - priority |
change_date - last change timestamp |
id - serial number |
ownerid - customer serial number (0 - "system" account) |
login - login name |
password - password encrypted with crypt() |
realname - additional name |
lastlogin - last login date |
uid - account system UID (usually ownerid+200) |
home - account home directory |
type - account type (binary sum: 1-shell, 2-email, 4-www, 8-ftp) |
expdate - account expire date |
domainid - domain serial number |
createtime - account creation date |
quota_sh - shell space limits |
quota_mail - email space limits |
quota_www - www space limits |
quota_ftp - ftp space limits |
quota_sql - sql database space limits |
mail_forward - account for mail forwarding |
mail_bcc - account for blind carbon copy mail |
description - additional information |
id - serial number |
login - account name (without domain) |
domainid - account serial number |
id - serial number |
aliasid - alias serial number |
accountid - account serial number |
mail_forward - forward address |
id - serial number |
ownerid - customer identifier |
login - login |
passwd - password |
phone - phone number |
access - enabled/disabled (1/0) |
creationdate - date of account creation |
moddate - date of last account modification |
creatorid - creator (user) identifier |
modid - last change (user) identifier |
nodeid - node serial number |
dt - timestamp |
upload - number of bytes sent |
download - number of bytes received |
id - serial number |
name - queue name |
email - email account for the queue |
description - main description for the queue |
id - serial number |
queueid - queue serial number |
requestor - reporter name and email |
customerid - customer serial number (if reported by customer) |
subject - ticket name) |
state - status (0-new, 1-open, 2-resolved, 3-dead) |
cause - request cause (0-unknown, 1-customer, 2-company) |
owner - user serial number (ticket's owner) |
creatorid - user serial number (ticket's creator) |
createtime - timestamp of report |
id - serial number |
ticketid - ticket serial number |
userid - LMS user serial number (if ticket sender) |
customerid - customer serial number (if ticket sender) |
mailfrom - sender email |
subject - message subject |
messageid - Message-ID message header |
inreplyto - thread serial number (if threaded) |
replyto - Reply-To message header |
headers - all message headers |
body - content of message body |
createtime - date of creation/send/delivery |
messageid - message serial number |
filename - name of file attachment |
contenttype - type of file |
id - serial number |
ticketid - ticket serial number |
userid - LMS user serial number |
body - content of note |
createtime - date of creation |
id - serial number |
queueid - queue serial number |
userid - LMS user serial number |
rights - permissions (1-read, 2-write) |
id - serial number |
section - config section name |
var - config variable name |
value - config variable value |
description - option description or comment |
disabled - is option disabled? (0-active, 1-disabled/default) |
id - identifier |
title - title |
description - info |
note - note |
date - event date |
begintime - beginning of event |
endtime - end of event |
userid - event creator ID |
customerid - customer ID |
private - status (private/public) |
closed - is event closed? (1-yes/0-no) |
eventid - event identifier |
userid - user identifier |
id - session identifier |
ctime - create time |
mtime - last modification time |
atime - last access time |
vdata - verification data |
content - data |
id - identifier |
name - host name |
description - additional information |
lastreload - last reload date |
reload - reload order |
id - identifier |
name - instance name |
hostid - host identifier |
module - module file path and name |
crontab - time of reload |
priority - reload priority |
description - additional information |
disabled - status (enabled/disabled) |
id - identifier |
instanceid - instance identifier |
var - option name |
value - option value |
description - additional information |
disabled - status (enabled/disabled) |
id - identifier |
name - state name |
description - additional information |
id - identifier |
zip - zip code |
stateid - state identifier |
id - identifier |
name - country name |
id - identifier |
shortname - division short name |
name - division long name |
address - address |
zip - zip code |
city - city |
countryid - country identifier |
ten - tax exempt number |
regon - business registration number |
account - bank account or mass payments account prefix |
description - additional information |
status - lock status (1/0) |
inv_header - invoice header |
inv_footer - invoice footer |
inv_author - invoice default author |
inv_cplace - invoice creation place |
inv_paytime - invoice deadline |
inv_paytype - invoice payment type (see documents table) |
id - serial number |
subject - message subject |
body - message contents |
cdate - creation date |
type - type (1-email, 2-sms) |
userid - sender (user) identifier |
sender - e-mail 'From' header |
id - serial number |
messageid - message identifier |
customerid - customer identifier |
destination - destination (phone num./e-mail) |
lastdate - last meaning date |
status - sending status (see lib/definitions.php) |
error - error message |
keytype - type |
keyvalue - value |