Because LMS-UI is written in PHP, it needs Web server to work. Apache is preferred (
Interpreter version should be 5.2.x or higher. PHP can be downloaded from At least following PHP modules needs to be installed (look for "extension" in php.ini or in output of phpinfo function):
pcre, posix,
zlib (for compressed backups),
gd and/or ming (network map only),
mysql or mysqli or pgsql (for db support),
iconv, mbstring (LMS uses unicode)
PEAR::Mail (which require PEAR::Net_SMTP and PEAR::Net_Sockets) for mailing.
MySQL server in version 5.x is supported. Probably LMS won't work correctly with older versions.
PostgreSQL in version 8.2.x or higher is supported.
LMS-UI requires Smarty library ( in version 3.0 or higher. Newer versions of Smarty requires that you have not enabled "magic_quotes_runtime" (set to Off) option in PHP configuration.
LMS-MGC and the rest of Perl scripts requires also Perl interpreter and some modules:
Perl and its basic modules (POSIX, GetOpt::Long),
DBD-mysql (if you use MySQL),
DBD-Pg (if you use Postgres),
If you intend to run LMS Daemon you will need working C compiler, because daemon will be provided in source code form only.
LMS has web user interface, so you'll need web browser with javascript and cookies enabled. Our exparience says that Mozilla Firefox 1.x will be a good choice.